viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

Friday Favorites

Mis Favoritos para esta semana son bien random... no hay una lógica ni tema que los una pero son las cositas que mas he disfutado estos dias:
#1: Picture Texts I receive from the teachers while the girls are at school
Las profes de Emily y Lia para este año escolar han sido una enorme bendición para nosotras. Son dulces, atentas, dedicadas y nos tartan como verdadera familia. Algunas ocasiones nos envian fotos espontáneas de ellas en algunas actividades y esto es un verdadero FAVORITO para mi :) <3
Algunas muestras....

#2: Lia's kind heart
Esto pasó hace una semana y todavia sigue siendo un FAVORITO para mi cada vez que veo la foto. Lia pidió permiso en la iglesia a Pablo para acercarse al Santísimo y hacer una oración a Papa Dios. Pablo le dijo que si y ella corrió y se arrodilló para hacer su oración. Este momento me remeneó el corazón de mil maneras. Ella es una niña inquieta, que pone a prueba sus limites con frecuencia, y se hace sentir en todos las formas posibles. Con este pequeño gesto de 3 segundos, me dió una gran lección de humildad, paciencia, perseverancia y amor. Espero estar educando a mis hijas para que sean mujeres de bien pero sobre todo para que tengan un corazón feliz, lleno de amor para dar, y creyente en la Palabra de Dios <3 <3

#3: Los Mensajes Oportunos de Dios para mi :)

En estos momentos estoy esperando respuestas para algo importante que estoy tratando de perseguir. Mis esperanzas estan bajas mas siento que Dios sabe los deseos de mi <3 y me complace con hacerme entender que El hará lo que es correcto para mi.  Esto es algo nuevo para mi, que estoy aprendiendo a entender, mas quiero que mi corazón guarde la paz de saber que aunque no recibo lo que quiero hoy, Dios tiene algo mejor para mi y me lo dará en el momento apropiado :)

#4: Weekend Getaway: No Kids Edition
Pablo y yo disfrutamos desde ayer Jueves de un merecido break en la playa... nada menos que en el Hard Rock Hotel de Punta Cana. Luego escribiré de esta experiencia pero desde ya puedo decir que es un FAVORITO para los dos :)
#5: Green Tea
He empezado a tomar este Te Verde y estoy enamorada! Me encanta el sabor, la frescura que me da y que tiene antioxidantes mas otras propiedades que benefician la salud. Sin hablar de Cero Calorias, Cero Azucar añadida, etc, etc. Verdaderamente una delicia! Y ayuda a mi meta de tomar mas agua en Junio :) Yo compro el que viene en empaques individuales en Pricemart y los mezclo con una botellita de agua. El sabor es un poco mas intenso (porque se puede disolver mas todavia) y me encanta! Solo lo tomo frio.
 See ya in the next Friday Favorites edition! :)

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015

June Goals

I am making my first attempt to be serious about completing goals. I would love to create some habits from stuff I like and make a conscious effort to do some things that are important for my family (including myself).

I will list the top 3 to 5 activities I will look forward to complete each month and then I will follow up on my lists to see how much I could accomplish. It should be fun :)

Starting in June I will go with very simple stuff (yet challenging for me):

Goal #1: Enjoy Recreational Activities
I have some stuff planned for this month that I am looking forward to. I tend to worry a lot and plan in advance as much as I can. With this intention I will try to enjoy the moments in the activities I will be participating and try to be present for my husband, my girls and myself without worrying too much on the small stuff (let's see how it goes).

Goal #2: Plan Summer Vacations
The girls will be out of school at the end of June and Pablo and I have a week off work about at the same time. I have no idea, as of now, of what will we do for those free days but I will definitely explore some options to take advantage on that time we will have together as a family. Also I need to find a summer camp for the girls.

Goal #3: Craft with the girls
As part of my intention of spending time with the girls doing things they can enjoy, I will choose crafting for this month. This type of activity can go in my nerves because of all the mess that is usually involved. But I will take some time to forget about the mess and focus on enjoying the creativity of my bugs. It should be fun. I am already pinning ideas on Pinterest.

Goal #4: Read a book
I want to make this a goal to make a serious commitment with completing the task. There are many books in my read list and I want to reaaally be able to dig into them.

Goal #5: Choose and maintain one healthy habit for a month
I will start with this idea to see how hard or easy I can create and maintain some good health habits. For June I will choose to drink more water and to drink only water when we are out and about (no alcohol, sodas or other type of drinks). Sounds easy but trust me when I say it will be challenging for me.

I really liked how my little list of goals turned out. I will update on how well (or not) I did with each of them!


martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Weekend recap: Mother's Day Celebration

A lot of randomness happened this weekend. I just want to say it was probably the best low key-enjoyable-non stressful mom day celebration I had that I can remember. It was the perfect weekend for me and I got to enjoy the simplicity of life while receiving LOTS of affection #win :)

Starting on Friday night I decided to take the girls out for a quick dinner. They chose McDonalds because of the playground of course. We got there and ate dinner while they were cleaning out a recently finished birthday celebration and then I sat down while they did a lot of this:

Yes, you can barely see them because they were NON STOP for about 45 minutes there. But the place was really quiet and I let them play for long in hopes of getting them bathed and right into bed when we got home.
We had a rested night :)
I woke up on Saturday and found Emily playing in the kitchen floor with her barbies ... Can't say how much I love to see them being little girls... I am soaking up as much as I can these little moments because I know they will go faaaaasstttt!!! <3
Then I quickly headed out to meet with sweet friends for breakfast as a mothers day treat. We chatted, giggled and enjoyed coffee and hot chocolate like nobody's business. These girls have a small piece of my heart and I am blessed to count them as friends.
When I got home the girls were ready to go to Abuela's house for lunch. I am letting them choose their clothes on their own on Saturdays and this is what I got for this day:

Lia was so proud to show the back of her shirt. She said it was fun like her! Emily wanted to wear a sweater because it was cloudy and looked like it was going to rain anytime.
After lunch we ran some errands and visited a place in our search of the perfect summer camp for the girls. We also quickly met the new medical office from my brother and sister in law, hit a bazar where I may or may not spent some money on handmade bracelets that I looooooooooved (for me and the girls)
And while going around, we spotted the girls first school -like their when they were babies school- They remember Teacher Amanda so much and loved her tons! they stepped on the fenced door and started talking about all they did while there... It was beautiful seeing them being little for a second again :)
Saturday night we left the girls home and headed out with the family to try a new place for dinner. Le Placette is a small lounge bar restaurant in an open patio with simple décor yet beautiful ambiance.
We had drinks and dinner was delicious. They also had live music and I loved the selection of -jazz like- songs. The singer was nice as well.
And then on Sunday it was the actual mother's day celebration. Pablo and the girls surprised me with breakfast in bed and beautiful flowers!!!


Then I took the girls with me to the Hair Salon and they did their hair and nails with me :)
I really love to share girly moments like this with them :)

In the afternoon we had lunch at Mama's house. I took my mom and Alina with me and shared with my in-laws for a great while... After lunch we headed home, had some rest and went for the mass of 6:30pm. A perfect way to end this peaceful weekend.
Our church gave presents for mother's day. It is a beautiful Rosario de la Madre Maria. Simply Perfect!

I can not say enough how blessed I am for being the mother of Emily and Lia. They are definitively an improved version of me and Pablo! I celebrate the joy of being called mom everyday! and the joy of having such amazing role models in my life that I can refer to! My mom, aunt, sister, mother in law... and some dearest friends... I am thankful for them all.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

Mothers Day Celebration: First Grade School Presentation

Emily's classroom did a Mothers Day Celebration at her school last Friday. Their theme was The Solar System and they completely overdid it!
The classroom was decorated as the space and the children took us in a rocket to see it and explained all that can be found there: Stars, Moon, Sun, Planets and so on...
It was so fun to see them happily explaining us what they learned.

The pictures are dark and blurry since the room had lights off and was completely dark. My phone camera flash did some work but made no justice on how gorgeous this room looked. They really created the ambient in a very beautiful way. All the kiddos were dressed in black and their shirts were crafted to show what they were representing. Emily explained the planet Uranus.

When they finished their presentation, we were headed outside to enjoy a solar system song. Emily really practiced a lot an was so proud to show me everything she learned along with her friends.

After the song, they danced to "Que bonita Luna" from Juan Luis Guerra. The choreography was very simple yet lovely. Emily danced with a partner and I was overwhelmed with emotions. My girl is growing up so fast! <3

Then it was time to hand out the presents the kinds had made in their art class. A lamp made from a small wine glass and some paper, a small chalkboard sign that said I love you mom and a handwritten letter. Emily did awesome and melted my heart in so many ways :)


At the end we attempted to take a group picture... of course we did our best but these kiddos were in their own game :)

It was a perfect morning to start a weekend of  special celebrations... I am really blessed to have these two ladies that calls me mom every day. God really blessed me in so many ways when He chose me as their mother :)