lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Weekend Recap: BIG Fail at taking good pictures edition

I realize that If I will be logging a history for my girls to see in the future, I should  be doing a better job at taking pictures and capturing some good moments.
The fact is that I seriously hate to interrupt when we are having such a good time giggling, talking or doing something fun, just to paralyze the moment to take my phone or camera out and snap a good picture of it (know what I mean?)

Anyways, we had a good weekend overall. Friday night we started by ordering pizza and watching The Pink Panther on our Ipad. Kind of my perfect-low key-entertaining way to end a busy week :)

On Saturday morning Pablo and I started a "Retiro de Evangelización" at our church. We didn't realize that it was a Retiro until we started it... so I was a bit scared at the beginning on how we would take this, being the very first time we were participating in one as a couple, but it ended being an AMAZING experience almost indescribable for me. The Retiro started on Saturday for the whole day until 6pm and ended on Sunday with the mass at 2pm.
From this experience I will only say that God really works in very mysterious ways, and that I loved the fact that I got to share this experience with Pablo, my one and only <3

Saturday night Pablo and I attended one of his coworker's wedding. It was fun to share some time with his friends from work and get a night out with him without the girls for instance... Again, no great pictures other than these blurry ones :)

Sunday afternoon after lunch and a quick nap, Pablo took the girls out for some play time at Magiainflable in Sambil (bless his heart) so I did a lot of this:
Lay in bed and binge watch my favorite HGTV shows, with snacks and AC on... what else could a mom-screaming for a break- could ask for?! :)

Then at night my sister brought food and we had dinner the eight of us together. Again, a perfect way to end a busy-yet relaxing-soul filling weekend.


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